Winaero Tweaker!
এটা সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রী একটা টুল ! যে টা দিয়ে কোনো ঝামেলা ছাড়া windows কে Tweak করতে পারবেন ! যারা reg. edit করতে ভয় পান তারা সহজেই এটা use করতে পারবেন ।
FEATURES AND OPTIONSWindows 11 featuresEnable the full context menus without the 'Show more options' item.The ability to restore the classic taskbarEnable Ribbon in File ExplorerChange taskbar screen position, e.g. you can move it to the topChange taskbar sizeDisable background apps, all at once.
MANAGE WINDOWS APPS AND FEATURES -Restore the classic search in File Explorer without Internet optionsRestore classic Windows Photos Viewer to use it instead of Photos.Restore the classic sound volume pop-up slider.Permanently disable Windows Telemetry and Data Collection.Permanently disable Windows Defender.Permanently disable Windows Update.Disable ads and unwanted app installation (Candy Crush Soda Saga, etc).Enable the built-in Administrator account.Enable automatic Registry backup.Change drag-n-drop sensitivity.Disable Action Center and notifications.Reset icon cache.Reset all Group Policy options at once.Windows 10 & Windows 11 তে use করতে পারবেন !
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